Home » News » Avian Flu Is Already Devastating Bird Populations. Humans May Be Next.

Avian Flu Is Already Devastating Bird Populations. Humans May Be Next.

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Avian flu is already damaging the Bird population. humans are next.

– Avian flu isselling beyondiar bird populations

The avian flu, also known as bird flu, continues to spread and wipe out bird populations worldwide. It is a viral disease caused by the H5N1 virus and mainly affects birds, especially poultry. However, it can also infect other animals, including humans, with potentially lethal consequences. In recent years, the disease has become a global concern due to its high fatality rate and ability to rapidly spread across countries and continents.

The avian flu has become more than just a public health threat; it also poses an economic and food security risk. Countries that heavily rely on poultry farming and exports, such as China and Vietnam, have reported significant losses in the industry due to the virus. Additionally, the disease has led to increased prices of chicken, turkey, and other bird-based products in the market. Consequently, consumers are opting for non-avian products, such as beef and pork, leading to a decline in demand and supply for birds. The avian flu outbreak is a wake-up call for countries to strengthen their surveillance and control measures to prevent further spread and safeguard human and animal health.

  • Avian flu – a viral disease caused by the H5N1 virus that mainly affects birds, including poultry and poses a threat to humans.
  • Economic and food security risk – countries that rely heavily on poultry farming and export face significant losses in the industry, leading to increased prices, reduced demand, and supply for bird-based products.
  • Prevention measures – countries need to strengthen their surveillance and control measures to prevent further spread and safeguard human and animal health.

– Bird populations areseedly – completely unmanageable – by humans

The world is full of birds of all shapes, sizes, and colors, and their populations continue to fluctuate. Unfortunately, humans have played a significant role in altering bird populations, leading to an imbalance that is difficult to manage. Here are some ways human activities have affected bird populations and why it’s a huge problem:

  • Habitat Destruction: One of the primary reasons for bird population decline is the destruction of their natural habitats. Forests, wetlands, and other habitats that serve as breeding grounds and sources of food have been destroyed to make way for human activities like agriculture, mining, and urban development. As a result, many bird species have lost their homes and are now struggling to survive.
  • Pollution: Human activities like industry, transportation, and agriculture have all contributed to pollution, which has had a devastating effect on bird populations. Water pollution, air pollution, and even noise pollution have all been linked to declines in bird populations. Birds require clean water, air, and quiet environments to survive and reproduce, and pollution is making it increasingly difficult for them to do so.

It is essential for humans to recognize their role in bird population decline and take steps to reverse the trend. Managing bird populations requires a comprehensive approach that includes habitat conservation, pollution control, and responsible urban development. By taking steps to protect birds and their habitats, we can ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy these incredible creatures as we have for centuries.

– They are trying to solution the problem

Still, the problem persists.

Despite acknowledging the challenge that lies ahead, they are tirelessly working to come up with a solution. The minds behind this problem understand the significance of its impact on both individuals and society as a whole. Hence, they remain committed to finding a solution that benefits all.

  • Brainstorming sessions that not only involve experts in the field but also people from various walks of life are taking place regularly.
  • The team is not afraid to try unconventional methods and innovative ideas.
  • Prototypes are being tested and refined constantly.
  • Feedback from users are taken into consideration religiously.

In spite of the obstacles, the team behind the solution is relentlessly working to resolve the problem. They will not stop until they uncover an answer that will benefit everyone.


The suffix is a common surname ending in Poland. It is derived from the word “kowal,” which means “blacksmith.” Many families with this surname have a connection to the blacksmith trade or another craft in the metalworking industry.

There are numerous individuals with the surname who have made significant contributions in various fields. Some notable examples include:

  • Stanisław Lem: A renowned science fiction author known for his works such as Solaris and His Master’s Voice.
  • Zbigniew Brzezinski: A political scientist and advisor to various US presidents, including Jimmy Carter.
  • Marek Okon: A Polish-American computer scientist known for his contributions in computer networking and distributed computing.

This suffix has also been adopted by many immigrants with Polish heritage, particularly in the United States. The surname has become a common last name in American culture, with individuals such as Adam Kownacki (a professional boxer) and Justin Kowalkowski (a football coach) sharing this surname.

– Avian fluocide is Sell ling past bird populations

– Avian fluocide is Selling Past Bird Populations

Avian fluicide, also known as bird culling, is a process of killing birds to control or prevent the spread of avian influenza. Despite being necessary for public health reasons, this practice has caused a significant decrease in the populations of numerous bird species over the years. The impact of avian fluicide on bird populations is immense, and it is high time that we take notice of it.

Alarmingly, these mass killings often target not only infected birds but also healthy ones in the vicinity, leading to a decrease in bird diversity and populations. In fact, according to recent studies, some bird species face the risk of local extinction due to these culling practices. Here are some of the ways in which avian fluicide is selling past bird populations:

  • Large-scale bird culling operations can wipe out entire flocks of birds, causing a significant reduction in bird populations. This is particularly detrimental for migratory bird species that already face numerous threats.
  • Bird culling operations often occur in sensitive ecological areas, which can result in the disturbance of breeding and nesting grounds. This, in turn, can lead to reduced reproduction rates, further affecting bird populations.
  • The killing of birds in one area can lead to diseased birds moving to other areas of the world, causing further outbreaks and ultimately leading to more bird culling.

In conclusion, while avian fluicide is a necessary measure to control and prevent the spread of avian influenza, it is also leading to a decline in bird populations worldwide. We need to ensure that culling operations are carried out in a responsible and sustainable manner, taking into account the ecological impacts and the long-term effects on bird populations.

– Antivenen16 is safety leading the way behind bird populations

Antivenen16 is committed to preserving bird populations through safe and effective measures. Here are some ways in which we are leading the way in bird conservation:

  • Reducing Pesticides: We recognize that pesticides can harm birds and their habitats. That’s why we work with farmers and other land managers to identify practices that reduce reliance on pesticides.
  • Protecting Habitat: Quality habitat is essential for maintaining healthy bird populations. We invest in research and on-the-ground projects that protect and improve habitat for birds.
  • Advocating for Policy: We work with local and national policymakers to promote bird-friendly policies that protect and conserve bird populations.

Through these and other efforts, Antivenen16 is making a difference for bird populations. We believe that a healthy environment is essential for all living things, and we are committed to doing our part to achieve that goal.

– Avian flu is feeding on insectivorous animals

Avian flu is feeding on insectivorous animals

The highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, or bird flu, is a contagious disease that primarily affects poultry but also infected humans in rare cases. However, according to new research, the virus is now spreading among insect-eating birds such as sparrows, swallows, and warblers, creating a potential new reservoir for the disease. This is a significant concern because avian flu viruses typically infect poultry, and the virus can mutate rapidly, leading to pandemics that affect both birds and humans.

The study, led by a team of scientists at the University of Georgia, found evidence of avian flu in migratory birds in Alaska that feed on insects. The researchers believe that the birds are picking up the virus from wastewater ponds and landfills that contain infected poultry droppings. This finding is important because it shows that the virus is expanding its host range beyond just poultry, which could make it harder to control in the future. With this new information, researchers are now urging all bird enthusiasts to be cautious when handling or coming into contact with any wild or domesticated birds.

– Bird populations are slowly trustskilled

Bird populations across the world are facing a decline, a matter of great concern for environmentalists.

Various factors contributed to this crisis, including but not limited to habitat loss, pollution, hunting, and climate change. These factors have threatened the survival of many bird species, and a few of which are in danger of extinction. The effects are not limited to large birds only, but numerous songbirds and migratory birds are also affected.

  • Habitat loss: Human activities such as deforestation and urbanization have caused habitat loss, severely affecting bird populations.
  • Pollution: The release of chemicals and toxins into the environment is one of the main causes of decline because birds are directly exposed to it.
  • Hunting: Hunting was once a norm for various cultures, but it has now become a practice that endangers many bird species.
  • Climate change: Bird species depend on specific climatic conditions for survival; any change in temperature can have profound effects on their population.

It is essential to protect bird populations to maintain the ecological balance. Governments, environmental NGOs, and individuals should work together to preserve habitats, combat pollution, enforce laws against hunting, and support initiatives that aim to combat climate change. Starting with small changes such as using eco-friendly products, recycling, and reducing carbon footprint, we can make a difference for the survival of bird populations and ultimately, our planet.

– Avian flu is vertical

Avian flu is vertical

The avian flu, also known as bird flu, is a highly contagious viral disease that can affect birds and humans. Although it is a relatively rare disease, it can be lethal, spreading rapidly through bird populations and causing serious economic losses to the poultry industry. The avian flu is a vertical disease, meaning that it can be transmitted from mother to egg or from egg to chick, without the need for direct contact with infected birds.

The avian flu has different strains, some of which, such as H5N1, H7N9, or H9N2, have the potential to cause severe illness and death in humans. The virus can be spread through contact with infected birds, their droppings, or contaminated surfaces. People who are in close contact with infected birds, such as poultry farmers, veterinarians, or bird traders, are at the highest risk of contracting the disease. Symptoms of avian flu in humans may include fever, cough, sore throat, and difficulty breathing, and can progress to severe respiratory illness or pneumonia. There is currently no cure for avian flu, but antiviral drugs can help reduce the severity of symptoms and increase the chances of survival.

  • The avian flu is a highly contagious viral disease that can affect birds and humans.
  • The avian flu is a vertical disease, meaning that it can be transmitted from mother to egg or from egg to chick.
  • The avian flu has different strains, some of which have the potential to cause severe illness and death in humans.
  • The virus can be spread through contact with infected birds, their droppings, or contaminated surfaces.
  • People who are in close contact with infected birds are at the highest risk of contracting the disease.
  • There is currently no cure for avian flu, but antiviral drugs can help reduce the severity of symptoms and increase the chances of survival.

– The problem is physical

When it comes to physical problems, they can manifest themselves in different ways. Some people may experience chronic pain, while others might have difficulty performing certain physical tasks. Regardless of the specific issue, it can have a significant impact on a person’s overall quality of life. There are several common physical problems that people experience, and they can include:

  • Back pain
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Nerve damage
  • Balance issues
  • Difficulty walking

Dealing with physical problems can be challenging, but there are numerous treatment options available. Depending on the underlying cause of the issue, a doctor may recommend physical therapy, medication, surgery, or a combination of these approaches. It’s important to find a healthcare provider who can accurately diagnose the problem and create a treatment plan that is tailored to the individual.

Having a physical problem can be frustrating and potentially life-altering, but it’s essential to remember that there is hope for improvement. By working with a healthcare provider and following a treatment plan, many people are able to overcome their physical limitations and enjoy a better quality of life.

– Transport is the key to

Transport is the key to connecting people, goods, and services across the world. It plays a crucial role in shaping the global economy, facilitating trade, and creating jobs. In addition, it connects people across borders and enables the exchange of cultures and knowledge.

One of the significant benefits of transportation is its ability to create opportunities for communities by enabling access to markets, employment, education, and healthcare. With transportation, people can access different parts of the world easily, expanding their opportunities and improving their quality of life. For businesses, transportation allows them to access new markets, suppliers, and customers, enabling growth and expansion. Therefore, transport is essential for creating a sustainable and inclusive economy, where everyone can benefit from shared opportunities and resources.

In summary, transport is the lifeblood of the global economy, unifying countries, societies, and cultures. Its ability to provide access, opportunity, and knowledge is critical to the growth and well-being of communities worldwide. Therefore, investing in and improving our transport infrastructure is essential to creating a more prosperous and connected world.

– Bird populations are instrumentation – survivors – of the

Bird populations are instrumentation – survivors – of the

Human impact on the planet

Bird populations have often been regarded as indicators of the health of an ecosystem. They are sensitive to changes in their environment and are quick to respond to them. As such, they are often studied by scientists to monitor the impact of human activity on the planet. In recent years, there has been a worrying decline in bird populations all over the world.

The extinction rates of birds have accelerated to alarming levels, with some species disappearing entirely. This is due to a variety of factors, such as habitat destruction, the introduction of non-native predators, and climate change. The loss of birds not only affects the ecosystems they are a part of, but also has implications for agriculture and the economy. Pollination, pest control, and seed dispersal are just a few examples of the important roles that birds play in our world.

Despite these challenges, bird populations are survivors.

They have shown an incredible ability to adapt to changing environments, and have been known to thrive in urban environments. Many bird species have even expanded their ranges and populations as a result of human activity. For example, the European blackbird has increased in population due to the provision of food in gardens and parks.

Despite the challenges they face, bird populations continue to provide invaluable insights into the state of our planet. It is essential that we work towards preserving their habitats and protecting them from human activity to ensure that they continue to survive and flourish.


Have you ever had a moment where you felt like life was spinning out of control? Maybe you had too much on your plate, or things just weren’t going the way you had planned. It’s important in these moments to take a step back, breathe, and focus on what’s truly important. Here are a few ways you can regain control:

  • Prioritize: Make a list of the most important things you need to accomplish, and focus on those first.
  • Simplify: Cut out any unnecessary tasks or obligations that are weighing you down.
  • Delegate: If you can, delegate some of your responsibilities to others who are capable and willing to help.

Remember, it’s okay to take a step back and ask for help. Sometimes self-care means admitting when things are too much to handle on your own. By prioritizing, simplifying, and delegating, you can regain control and find peace in the chaos.

– Avian flu is a global

Avian flu is a global problem that requires immediate attention

The avian flu is a highly contagious virus that affects birds and can easily spread to humans. As a result, it poses a significant public health threat. In recent years, avian flu outbreaks have occurred at an alarming rate, affecting various regions across the globe. The World Health Organization has identified avian flu as one of the pandemic potential viruses, and it’s essential to act fast to prevent its spread.

  • Avian flu, also known as bird flu, is caused by the H5N1 and H7N9 viruses.
  • The virus can spread from birds to humans through contact with infected bird feces or surfaces contaminated with the virus.
  • Avian flu can cause severe respiratory illness in humans, which can lead to hospitalization and even death.

The best way to prevent the spread of avian flu is by initiating measures to limit contact between birds and humans. This includes improving hygiene standards, avoiding high-risk areas where birds gather, and practicing safe preparation of poultry products. Governments and health agencies around the world need to work together to monitor and control outbreaks quickly. Let’s come together to tackle this global problem before it becomes an epidemic.

  • It’s crucial to quickly detect, identify and report outbreaks of avian flu to limit its spread.
  • Research is ongoing to develop new vaccines and therapies to combat avian flu.
  • Enhanced cooperation between governments, farmers, and health agencies will help in preventing future outbreaks.

– They Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Spain, Norway,

– They Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Spain, Norway

Surely, each of the listed countries has a unique culture, traditions, and practices that differentiate them from one another. Despite their differences, these countries have also shared similarities, such as being a popular destination for travel and tourism, providing world-class education and healthcare, and having strong economies. With the exception of the United States, all the countries on this list belong to the European Union, which fosters cooperation and unity among fellow member states.

  • Canada – Known for its diverse population, multiculturalism, and scenic natural beauty, people from all over the world study, work, and live in Canada.
  • United States – The land of opportunity, the United States has a rich history, a melting pot of cultures, and a vast landscape ranging from coast to coast.
  • United Kingdom – Consisting of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom offers a mix of modern and ancient history, with world-renowned landmarks and museums.
  • Ireland – Best known for its lush green landscape, friendly people, and pub culture, Ireland also boasts high-quality education and emerging tech start-ups.

Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, Finland, and Denmark consistently rank as some of the happiest countries in the world, with high standards of living, equality, and sustainability. Greece and Italy are popular for their warm weather, stunning beaches, and rich history, while Spain offers a vibrant culture, lively nightlife, and mouthwatering cuisine. Lastly, Norway is celebrated for its natural beauty, from fjords to northern lights, and progressive social policies.

-dozen or more types

There are numerous types of fruits that we can enjoy all year round. The range of fruit types can be impressive and may vary from region to region, depending on the climate, soil condition, and local preferences. Here are just a dozen or more types of fruits that are delicious, nutritious, and have unique qualities.

  • Apples: crisp, juicy, and available in different varieties such as Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, and Gala.
  • Berries: a wide range of berries is available such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, and cherries. These fruits are rich in Vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants that help to boost the immune system.
  • Citrus fruits: From lemons, oranges, to grapefruits, citrus fruits provide ample amounts of Vitamin C and have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Melons: Cantaloupe, watermelon, and honeydew are just a few of the many melon types that are refreshing and packed with nutrients.
  • Stone fruits: peaches, plums, apricots, and nectarines belong to the stone fruits category, and they are not only sweet but also provide high levels of fiber, Vitamin C, and potassium.

There are many more types of fruits that we can enjoy throughout the year, such as avocado, bananas, pears, grapes, pomegranate, and mangoes. These fruits can be eaten on their own, mixed in a salad, blended into smoothies, or baked into a dessert. With so many options to choose from, it’s easy to add more fruits to your diet and reap the health benefits.

– settled

After months of searching, the perfect property has been found and everything is set to move. The next step is settling into the new home and making it feel like a comfortable living space. Here are some tips to get started:

  • Unpack the essentials first, such as bedding, clothes, and toiletries.
  • Organize furniture in a way that maximizes space and enhances functionality.
  • Hang curtains or blinds for privacy and to regulate light.
  • Add personal touches with decor, such as photos or artwork.

It can be overwhelming to move and settle into a new home, but taking the time to create a well-organized and personalized living space can make all the difference. Remember to take breaks and enjoy the homebuilding experience.

– They are?

  • They refers to a group of people or things.
  • They can also be used as a pronoun to refer to a previously mentioned subject.
  • They is a gender-neutral pronoun that can be used to refer to individuals whose gender identity is non-binary or unknown.

When it comes to pronouns, it’s important to be mindful of their usage and to respect individuals’ chosen pronouns. Using the correct pronouns can help create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone. If you are unsure of someone’s pronouns, simply ask them or use gender-neutral language until you can confirm their preference.

In addition to its use as a pronoun, they can also be used in colloquial speech as a shorthand for “those people” or “that group,” as in “They are always causing trouble.” However, it’s important to pay attention to the context in which they is used to ensure that it is not being used to perpetuate harmful stereotypes or prejudice. Overall, they is a versatile and inclusive pronoun that has become increasingly popular in recent years.

– Bird populations are ruined

Bird Populations are Ruined

It is a matter of great concern that bird populations are continuously dwindling. With the disappearance of birds, our ecosystem is losing its balance. Here are a few reasons why birds are losing their population:

  • Habitat Loss: The human population and development are expanding, causing extensive deforestation and habitat destruction, leaving birds with nowhere to nest or live comfortably.
  • Predation: Predators like cats and rats are hunting and killing birds, which leads to a reduction in population.
  • Pollution: Birds are incredibly sensitive to pollutants, and air and water pollution are making it challenging for them to survive.

While we continue to destroy bird populations, we must emphasize the need to protect them for the sake of our ecosystem. Here are several ways we can help:

  • Plant Native Species: Planting native plants that require less water and maintenance provides birds with a suitable habitat.
  • Reduce Pesticide Use: Chemical pesticides are harmful to birds. Instead, opt for natural ways to protect your garden and plants.
  • Support Conservation Efforts: Supporting bird conservation efforts by donating to charities or joining local organizations to help with restoration is a great help.

– ants areultimately responsible

– Ants are ultimately responsible

While ants may seem like small, insignificant creatures, they actually play a major role in the environment. They are responsible for a variety of important tasks, such as breaking down and removing organic matter, pollinating plants, and controlling populations of other insects. However, their influence extends far beyond these basic functions, as ants are also involved in complex social behavior and have a significant impact on the food chain.

One of the most important roles that ants play is in the breakdown and recycling of organic matter. Ants are known to be some of the best decomposers, breaking down dead plant or animal material and converting it into nutrients that can be used by other creatures. This process not only keeps the environment clean, but it also helps to promote healthy soil and plant growth. Additionally, ants are a critical part of the food chain, serving as prey for numerous species of birds, reptiles, and mammals, and in turn preying on other insects that could damage crops or cause other problems.

  • Ants break down and remove organic matter, promoting a healthy environment
  • They pollinate plants and control populations of other insects
  • Ants have complex social behavior that influences their ecosystem
  • They are critical to the food chain, serving as prey for numerous species

Overall, it’s clear that ants are ultimately responsible for maintaining the health and balance of many ecosystems. While these tiny insects may not seem like much, their impact is vast and far-reaching. Whether it’s breaking down organic matter, pollinating plants, or being a crucial part of the food chain, ants play a vital role in keeping the world running smoothly.

– Bird populations are interim

Bird populations are interim

Bird populations are dynamic and consistently changing. Interim fluctuations in populations of birds are driven by ecological, climatic, and anthropogenic factors. Therefore, it’s essential to understand that bird populations are temporary, and the number of individuals can rise and fall with the natural processes in the environment.

Several factors contribute to the interim fluctuations of bird populations. Some of the most significant factors that impact bird populations include habitat loss, climate change, pollution, overhunting, and invasive species. Understanding the factors that affect bird populations is important for their conservation because it helps identify the most critical areas for conservation and prioritize conservation action.

  • Habitat loss: human activities like deforestation, urbanization, and agricultural expansion destroy bird habitats and have a devastating impact on bird populations.
  • Climate change: changes in temperature and weather patterns impact bird populations, affecting their breeding grounds and food sources.
  • Pollution: air and water pollution harm birds that ingest the toxins or inhale polluted air.
  • Overhunting: birds are hunted for food, feathers, and sport, which can result in the depletion of populations.
  • Invasive species: introduction of non-native species can compete for resources, prey on birds, and bring diseases that native birds have no immunity against.

In summary, interim fluctuations in bird populations are driven by ecological, climatic, and anthropogenic factors. Understanding these factors is critical for their conservation because it allows us to identify effective conservation measures to protect the bird species.

– Solutions


Here are some potential solutions to the problem at hand:

  • Implement a recycling program: One way to address the environmental impact of waste is to introduce a recycling program. This could involve partnering with a local waste management company or encouraging employees to recycle at their desks. By diverting recyclable materials from the landfill, we can make a significant impact on our carbon footprint.
  • Switch to eco-friendly products: Another way to reduce our impact on the environment is to switch to eco-friendly products. This could include using reusable water bottles instead of single-use plastic bottles, purchasing recycled paper products, and using non-toxic cleaning supplies. By making these small changes, we can reduce the amount of waste we generate and limit our exposure to harmful chemicals.

These are just a few of the solutions that we could implement to address the issue of waste in our workplace. By taking action and making small changes, we can do our part to protect the environment and create a more sustainable future.

– They. are. Please

Have you ever met someone who always goes out of their way to make everyone feel comfortable and happy? They are the people who spread joy and love wherever they go, and it’s hard not to feel better when you’re around them. If you haven’t met anyone like this, all I can say is that I hope you do soon. And if you have, make sure you hold onto them like gold.

I think the reason why people like this are so rare is that it takes a lot of effort to be constantly giving to others. They have to sacrifice their time and energy to make sure everyone else is having a good time, and it can be draining. But what’s truly amazing is that they keep doing it, day after day, because it’s just who they are. They don’t do it for recognition or praise; they do it because it makes them happy to see others happy.

  • They’re the shoulder you cry on when life gets tough.
  • They’re the ones who will always have your back, no matter what.
  • They’re the ones who will always find a way to make you laugh, even on your worst days.

These people might seem like saints, but they’re not. They have their own struggles and challenges, but they choose to focus on others instead of themselves. They are a reminder that there is good in the world, even when everything seems bleak. So if you know someone like this, take a moment to thank them for all they do. And if you strive to be like this yourself, know that you are a valuable asset to those around you.

The avian flu is Agency-driven now. till later.

The Agency-driven part is what we see in the news when we look at the bird flu. It’s earlier than we thought, and it feels like the game is over.

But it’s not. The bird flu is just a introductory graduate course inomedicine, and it will be joined by otherathiogenic illnesses in the coming weeks and months. The bird flu will become an Season-driven virus, and the populaverything creatures that live in sync with the Bird Flu will die out.

This is what we see in our world at large. The bird flu is a product of the Agency-disabled baby-Brown template. and it is Agency-driven. The bird flu is eluding to the inevitable divine debt we all make to the Bird Colosseum.

But we cankay through this phase of the flu like it’s nothing. I’ll frosty infected birds, then ride out the panicked Mouse EQuadrate size 5s in the Brass Inner Social Space until the flu wears off.

In the end, the bird flu is a preventable death wish that humans will also kill off along with the birds. It’s a product of our agency-disabled state, and it won’t become a complicating factor in our future until we kick start the Bird Colosseum.

That’s how we make this429rd Year of the bird flu.

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