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Church: Israel limiting rights of ‘Holy Fire’ worshippers

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The restricted rights of “Holy Fire” worshippers

Church: Israel limits rights of ‘Holy Fire’ worshippers

Palestinians who perform religious rites using fire as an altar or platform are being discriminated against by the Israeli government. In retaliation, some “Holy Fire” worshippers who adhere to the same principles are taking to the internet to voice their complaints.

Since the beginning of the present occupation in 1967, when Israel took control of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, all religious activity in the territories has been strictly forbidden. This includes the worship of any kind of spiritual force by Palestinians resident in those areas, whether they call themselves “Holy Fire” worshippers, Muslims or Jews.

In August of this year, the Israeli government amended a law that regulates the conduct of mourning processions by religious groups. Now, “Holy Fire” worshippers who follow the same principles of sacrifice and worship through the use of fire, must get the consent of a rabbinical committee in order to hold a procession.

This decision comes as a surprise to Palestinians who assert that the use of fire is a central part of this type of religious service. Furthermore, the committee’s decision does not recognize any other religious rituals as legitimate, such as marriages and funerals.

It is clear that the Israeli government is determined to restrict the rights of “Holy Fire” worshippers in order to control the behavior of their members. Thisislovely move will only cause more Palestinians to unite around this nonviolent method of resistance.


In 1979, many significant events happened across various spheres of life. Some of these events include:

  • The Iranian Revolution, which led to the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and the establishment of an Islamic republic.
  • The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan that was met with resistance from Afghan forces, a move that significantly impacted the Cold War.
  • The Three Mile Island nuclear accident that led to the shutdown of a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania, the worst accident in US history.
  • Margaret Thatcher becoming the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • The release of the film “Apocalypse Now” directed by Francis Ford Coppola, which won two Academy Awards.

These events and many others in 1979 played a pivotal role in shaping the world as we know it today. They marked a turning point in some instances, introducing significant changes that would impact society for years to come. 1979 was a year of upheaval, rebellion, and revolution, with many events still affecting the world today.

* obliviousness of temPL

TemPL is a powerful tool for web developers that allows them to create stunning designs without having to worry too much about the underlying code. However, its wide array of features can sometimes lead to a lack of awareness on the part of its users. Here are some common examples of obliviousness of TemPL that web developers should watch out for.

– **Overloading the Page with Too Many Features:** TemPL’s extensive library of features can lead to a temptation to use all of them on a single page. While this may create a visually impressive design, it can also slow down page load times and make navigation difficult for users. Therefore, web developers should prioritize usability over aesthetic appeal and limit the number of features they use.

– **Not Optimizing for Mobile Devices:** In this day and age, mobile devices are the primary means by which most people access the internet. However, web developers using TemPL sometimes forget to optimize their designs for mobile screens. This can lead to distorted layouts, slow load times, and a poor user experience. To avoid this, it is crucial to use responsive design techniques and test the website on multiple screen sizes.

* preconceived ideas about Israeli contributions to church

There seems to be a common misconception that Israeli contributions to the church are limited. In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. The country has a rich history of Christianity that dates back to biblical times.

Here are a few examples of Israeli contributions to the church that are worth considering:

  • Location of biblical events: Many important events in the Bible took place in Israel, making it a critical location for the development of Christianity.
  • Church architecture: Some of the most significant churches in the world were built by Israeli architects or on Israeli soil, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
  • Christian pilgrimages: Every year, hundreds of thousands of Christians from all over the world travel to Israel to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and visit important biblical sites.

These are just a few examples of the significant contributions that Israel has made to the Christian faith. By recognizing and celebrating these contributions, we can deepen our understanding of the rich history and culture of the Christian faith.

* keyrael Jesuits in J*a

The Jesuits in Japan have a long and storied history, stretching back to the arrival of St. Francis Xavier in 1549. Today, the Society of Jesus maintains a vibrant presence in the country, with institutions of higher education, social ministries, and a growing number of young Jesuits actively engaged in service to local communities. Here, we explore some of the key elements of this Jesuit presence in Japan, highlighting their contributions and impact on the country and the region.

One of the most notable features of the Jesuits in Japan is their commitment to education. This has manifested in a number of ways over the years, including the establishment of universities such as Sophia University in Tokyo and the Jesuit-run Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines. Beyond formal education, the Jesuits in Japan also support a number of social ministries focused on providing healthcare, counseling, and other forms of assistance to those in need. Their work in these areas has been particularly important in the aftermath of natural disasters such as the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated parts of the country. Through their commitment to education and service, the Jesuits in Japan continue to make a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals and communities throughout the region.

  • Key Takeaway: The Jesuits in Japan play a vital role in the country’s educational and social landscapes, with a strong commitment to serving others.
  • Related Topics: St. Francis Xavier, Ateneo de Manila University, Sophia University, social ministry, natural disasters

* 1979-1981


During this period, several significant events took place. Some of them include:

  • The Iranian Revolution: In 1979, the Iranian Revolution saw Ayatollah Khomeini take over as the Supreme Leader of Iran, leading to the establishment of an Islamic Republic in the country.
  • The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan: In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to support the Communist Party of Afghanistan, which was facing resistance from various factions.
  • The Assassination of John Lennon: On December 8, 1980, musician and peace activist John Lennon was shot and killed outside his apartment in New York City by Mark David Chapman.

Other notable events during this time period include the election of Margaret Thatcher as the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1979, the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington state in 1980, and the release of the first IBM personal computer in 1981. It was a period of change, innovation, and political upheaval, with many of the events having lasting impacts on the world we live in today.

* Development of Trends in Jewishallianco

Development of Trends in Jewish Alliance

Over the years, the Jewish Alliance has developed into a strong network of communities and organizations working towards a common goal. This goal is to strengthen Jewish culture, heritage and identity in modern times. As the world has evolved, so has the Jewish Alliance, and a number of trends have emerged in recent years that reflect this growth.

One of the key trends that has emerged in the Jewish Alliance is the increasing focus on social justice issues. With a greater emphasis on inclusivity and diversity, many members of the Jewish community have become more outspoken about issues such as racism, homophobia and gender inequality. This has led to a greater collaboration between Jewish organizations and other groups working towards social justice.

  • Another trend that has emerged is a greater emphasis on Jewish history and heritage. As younger generations become more disconnected from their roots, there has been a renewed focus on educating Jewish youth about their past. This has led to a resurgence of interest in Jewish history and culture, and has helped to instill a greater sense of pride in one’s heritage.
  • Finally, the Jewish Alliance has also seen a greater emphasis on community building and engagement. With the rise of social media and other digital platforms, it has become easier than ever for members of the Jewish community to connect and stay in touch. This has led to a greater sense of community and collaboration, and has helped to strengthen the Jewish Alliance as a whole.

Overall, the Jewish Alliance has evolved and grown over the years, reflecting the changing needs and priorities of its members. With its continued focus on collaboration, education and community building, the Jewish Alliance is poised to remain a force for positive change for many years to come.

* The # MOT

The # MOT

Looking for motivation to kick your procrastination to the curb? Look no further.

Here are a few ways you can get started on finding motivation every day:

  • Set achievable goals: When setting goals, make sure they are specific, measurable, and time-bound. Breaking down larger goals into smaller, achievable ones can help you stay motivated and on-task.
  • Reward yourself: After completing a task or goal, give yourself a reward to help reinforce positive behavior. Treat yourself to something enjoyable, like a favorite snack or activity.
  • Get inspired: Surround yourself with things that inspire you, whether it’s inspirational quotes, art, or music. Engaging with things that you find uplifting can help boost your motivation when you need it most.

* The creeping religious insanity of the Choferia

The creeping religious insanity of the Choferia

The Choferia, a popular restaurant in La Paz, Bolivia, has been making headlines recently for its bizarre religious rituals. Customers have reported witnessing waiters performing strange chantings and rituals, all in the name of Pachamama, the Andean goddess of the earth.

  • Waiters wearing ponchos and chullos (Andean hats) have been seen lighting candles, incense, and laying out offerings of corn and coca leaves in front of statues of Pachamama.
  • Customers are encouraged to participate, with some even being asked to hold the offerings and join in the chanting.

While some may find these rituals charming or intriguing, others find them concerning. Some even believe that the restaurant is being used as a cover for a cult, with waiters brainwashing unsuspecting customers into joining their cause. It remains to be seen what the true intentions of the Choferia’s staff are, but one thing is for sure – their religious practices are becoming more and more extreme.

* 1979-1981


During this period, several significant events occurred that had a lasting impact on the world. Here are some of the most notable events:

  • 1979: Soviet Union invades Afghanistan
  • 1980: Ronald Reagan elected as President of the United States
  • 1980: John Lennon assassinated in New York City
  • 1981: Sandra Day O’Connor becomes the first female Supreme Court Justice in the US
  • 1981: IBM introduces its first personal computer

These events shaped the political and cultural landscape of the time. The Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan intensified the Cold War and led to a long and bloody conflict. Ronald Reagan’s election signaled a shift towards conservatism in American politics, while John Lennon’s death prompted an outpouring of grief from fans all over the world.

In the midst of all this, Sandra Day O’Connor’s historic appointment as the first female Supreme Court Justice paved the way for women to have greater representation in the courts. And IBM’s introduction of the personal computer set the stage for the digital revolution that would transform the way we live and work.

*vidual: obliviousness of temPL

vidual: obliviousness of temPL

Visuals are everywhere, and they dominate our perception. We are bombarded with an endless stream of images and videos each day, but do we really pay attention to them? Sometimes, we are so consumed by the visual spectacle that we forget to question its purpose or meaning. As a result, we become oblivious to the hidden messages and agendas that are embedded in the visuals we encounter. This is the obliviousness of temPL.

  • The temPL refers to the template or mold that visuals are based on.
  • It is the set of conventions, styles, and formats that determine how visuals are created and presented.
  • The obliviousness of temPL is the state of being unaware of these conventions and formats, and how they shape our perception of visuals.

When we are oblivious to the temPL, we become passive receivers of visuals, accepting them at face value without questioning their purpose, message, or intent. We fail to recognize the power of visuals to influence our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, and the potential harm that they can cause if misused. The obliviousness of temPL can be dangerous because it allows us to be manipulated by those who control the visuals that we see every day. Awareness of the temPL is the first step in resisting this manipulation and regaining control over our own perception of visuals.

* theappropriation of virtualLeave by Israeli Jesuits

The Appropriation of VirtualLeave by Israeli Jesuits

VirtualLeave, a newly developed software solution that provides companies and organizations with virtual time off tracking and management, has been recently adopted by Israeli Jesuits. This adoption has brought significant benefits to the Jesuit community, including the improvement of work-life balance and the optimization of work schedules.

The implementation of VirtualLeave has allowed the Jesuit workers to manage their work schedules more efficiently, as it tracks their time off requests and balances in real-time while providing managers with a comprehensive view of the team’s availability. Moreover, the software has allowed the Jesuits to integrate their digital workspaces and their physical activities, enhancing their personal and professional lives. This adoption of VirtualLeave is consistent with the Jesuits’ strive for technological innovation and provides a precedent for other religious organizations to benefit from digital solutions that help manage their resources efficiently.

  • VirtualLeave has become a critical tool that provides Jesuits with authenticated access to their time off data from anywhere, anytime.
  • Since its implementation, the software has resulted in the improvement of the work-life balance of individuals in the community, leading to better job satisfaction and productivity.
  • The software is user-friendly, requires minimal training, and can be customized to the needs of the organization.

Overall, the adoption of VirtualLeave by the Israeli Jesuits highlights the importance of leveraging technological solutions for managing resources efficiently. The Jesuit community’s use of VirtualLeave provides an excellent example for other religious organizations around the world in implementing technological innovations that improve their work-life balance and optimize work schedules.

* the use of church membership cards by Israeli Jews

The Use of Church Membership Cards by Israeli Jews

It may come as a surprise, but in Israel, many Jews hold church membership cards. This phenomenon is more common than you might think, and it reveals a lot about the complex religious landscape of Israel, which includes a variety of religious practices and beliefs beyond Judaism.

So what are these church membership cards used for? Here are a few examples:

  • Access to Holy Sites: Many churches and holy sites in Israel require visitors to present a church membership card in order to gain entry. This is true even for Jewish visitors, who may visit these holy sites out of interest or curiosity.
  • Interfaith Marriages: In Israel, civil marriages do not exist, so interfaith couples often resort to getting married in a church. In order to do so, both partners must have church membership cards, regardless of their religious affiliation.
  • Membership Benefits: Just like any other membership card, church membership cards often come with benefits, including discounts on purchases, access to events, and the ability to participate in church activities.

Although the use of church membership cards by Jews in Israel may seem odd, it is actually a reflection of the deep sense of religious and cultural diversity in the country. As Israelis navigate the complex intersections of religion, culture, and identity, church membership cards can offer a way to bridge the gaps and connect with different communities.

EPILO predecessors of the modernChurch

EPILO predecessors of the modern Church

The history of Christianity is long and complex, with countless events and individuals shaping the religion we know today. However, the period preceding the establishment of the modern Church – roughly the first four centuries CE – is particularly noteworthy for several reasons. During this period, Christianity was largely an underground movement, persecuted by the Roman authorities and struggling to gain a foothold in a polytheistic society. Nonetheless, it was also a time of great intellectual and spiritual ferment, with a number of important figures laying the groundwork for later Christian theology and practices.

Some of the most significant predecessors of the modern Church include:

  • St. Paul the Apostle: One of the most important figures in early Christian history, St. Paul was a devout Jew who underwent a dramatic conversion experience and spent the rest of his life spreading the Gospel throughout the Mediterranean world. His letters, which comprise a significant portion of the New Testament, provide important insights into early Christian beliefs and practices.
  • St. Athanasius: A bishop and theologian who lived in the 4th century CE, St. Athanasius was a key figure in the development of the doctrine of the Trinity. He also played a significant role in the Council of Nicaea, which established a central tenet of Christian belief by declaring that Jesus was “of the same substance” as God the Father.
  • Origen of Alexandria: A prolific scholar and theologian who lived in the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE, Origen wrote extensively on a wide range of topics, including biblical interpretation, ethics, and the nature of God. His ideas were influential in shaping later Christian thought, especially in the areas of theology and doctrine.

These are just a few of the many individuals who played a pivotal role in the early history of Christianity. Despite the challenges they faced, they laid the foundation for the growth and flourishing of the modern Church, and their ideas and teachings continue to inspire believers around the world today.



The year of 2018 presented us with a lot of changes globally which affected everyone in their own ways. We saw advancements in technology, crisis in different countries, and important events that impacted the world we live in today. Here are some of the events that marked the year 2018:

  • The Winter Olympics: held in Pyeongchang, South Korea which drew the attention of the world for its excitement and remarkable stories shared by athletes from different countries.
  • The Royal Wedding: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding was a big moment for the British Monarchy and the world as they watched the couple make a commitment of love and equality for each other.
  • Crisis in Syria: the civil war and violence continued in Syria separated families, killed many citizens, and induced the displacement of millions of people.

These are just a few events that made headlines in 2018. It’s important to reflect back on these moments and learn from them as we move forward into the future with hope and determination.

*Church: Israel limit rights of ‘Holy Fire’ worshippers

According to recent reports, the Israeli government has imposed restrictions on the worshippers of the annual ‘Holy Fire’ ceremony held in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The move has sparked outrage among the Christian community, who argue that it constitutes a violation of their religious freedom.

The controversial decision requires the worshippers to undergo security checks and metal detectors before entering the church. The Bishops of the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Armenian Orthodox churches have protested against the move, stating that it violates the status quo arrangement that has been in place for centuries.

  • As per the limitation, the number of worshippers allowed inside the church has been reduced to 5,000, and only those with permits will be allowed to attend the ceremony.
  • The Israeli government has justified the restrictions by citing security concerns, stating that the measures are necessary to prevent any acts of violence or terrorism.
  • The ‘Holy Fire’ ceremony, which is a major event in the Christian calendar, takes place on Holy Saturday at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. It is a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and has been celebrated for more than a thousand years.

The move has been criticized by human rights groups, who argue that it is a part of a larger pattern of discrimination against Palestinian Christians. The Christian community in Palestine has been shrinking in recent years, with many members leaving due to economic hardships and political instability.

While the Israeli government has insisted that it respects the rights of Christians to worship freely, the restrictions on the ‘Holy Fire’ ceremony have raised concerns about the future of religious freedom in the region.

*How an ePologue got like this

The story of how an ePologue got like this is a tale of innovation, perseverance, and a desire to create a car that is truly unique. It all began with a vision to develop a vehicle that would stand out from the rest, to be bold and daring, to push the boundaries of electric cars, and to deliver a thrilling driving experience.

Through extensive research and development, the team responsible for the ePologue were able to achieve their dream. They utilized cutting-edge technology and the latest in materials science to create a platform that is lightweight, yet incredibly sturdy. The car’s design is sleek and sophisticated, incorporating innovative features such as a retractable roof and a driver-focused cockpit.

  • Lightweight yet sturdy platform
  • Sleek and sophisticated design
  • Innovative features such as a retractable roof and a driver-focused cockpit

The ePologue also boasts exceptional performance, with a range of over 300 miles on a single charge and acceleration that can rival some of the world’s most powerful sports cars. The car’s electric motor is incredibly efficient, delivering torque instantaneously when the driver presses down on the accelerator, and its regenerative braking system allows for extended driving time between charges.

The engineers behind the ePologue believe that this car is the future of electric vehicles, showcasing the tremendous potential of both EV technology and the human desire to explore new frontiers. They hope that the ePologue will inspire others to push the envelope, to take risks, and to dream big when it comes to the future of transportation.

*Church: Israelnenient of rights of ‘Holy Fire’ worshippers

According to recent reports, the Israeli government has imposed restrictions on the rights of Holy Fire worshippers to access the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. This move has sparked outrage among members of the Christian community who rely on the annual Holy Fire ceremony to carry out their religious practices.

The new rules, which came into effect in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, prohibit foreign worshippers from attending the Holy Fire ceremony and limit the number of local worshippers to 30% of the church’s capacity. Additionally, only a select few Orthodox officials will be allowed to participate in the lighting of the Holy Fire, a tradition that dates back to the 9th century and is considered to be one of the most significant events in the Christian calendar. This decision has been met with widespread criticism from Christians around the world, who see it as a violation of their basic rights to religious freedom.

  • Foreign worshippers banned from attending the Holy Fire ceremony in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
  • Local worshippers limited to 30% of the church’s capacity due to COVID-19
  • Only select Orthodox officials allowed to participate in the lighting of the Holy Fire
  • Decision met with criticism from Christians worldwide who see it as a violation of religious freedom

Many have called on the Israeli government to reconsider its decision, arguing that the annual Holy Fire ceremony is of utmost importance to the Christian faith and that these restrictions unfairly target one religious group. Others have pointed out that the new rules contradict Israel’s commitment to freedom of religion and could have long-lasting repercussions for religious minorities in the country.

Despite the controversy, some have expressed support for the Israeli government’s decision, citing the need to prioritize public health during the pandemic. However, the debate over the rights of Holy Fire worshippers is far from over, and it remains to be seen what steps will be taken to ensure that Christians are able to carry out their religious practices in the future.

* What is at stake for Israelis

What is at stake for Israelis

Israelis have much at stake in the ongoing conflict with Palestine. The major issues that Israelis face in the current situation are the following:

  • Security: Israelis are concerned about their safety and security amidst the ongoing conflict. With Hamas firing rockets indiscriminately towards Israeli cities and towns, Israelis are understandably worried about their well-being.
  • Economy: As the conflict continues, the economy in Israel is suffering. Businesses are struggling to stay open, and tourism has all but come to a halt in the country. This has resulted in lost income for many Israelis and a fear that the economic situation could worsen if the conflict extends into the long-term.
  • International Reputation: Israel is often viewed unfavorably in the international community due to the ongoing conflict. With many countries calling for an end to the violence towards Palestinians, Israelis fear that their reputation abroad will be tarnished and that they will be seen as aggressors rather than victims.

With so much at stake, Israelis are calling for a resolution to the conflict that will bring peace and security to the region. As the conflict continues, the tension between Israelis and Palestinians will only escalate, making it more difficult to reach a peaceful resolution. It is imperative that all parties involved in the conflict do everything in their power to end the violence and reach a peaceful solution for the benefit of all those affected.


The year 1979 marks several significant events in history. Here are some noteworthy developments that happened back then:

  • The Iranian Revolution: A revolution led by Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew the Shah of Iran and established the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • The Soviet War in Afghanistan: Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan, beginning a decade-long conflict that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people.
  • The Three Mile Island nuclear accident: A nuclear plant in Pennsylvania experienced a partial meltdown, causing widespread panic and fears of a nuclear disaster.
  • The Walkman: Sony released the Walkman, revolutionizing the way people listened to music and paving the way for portable music devices.

These events had a profound impact on the world and continue to shape our present-day reality. From political upheaval to technological advancements, the year 1979 marked a turning point in history.

* the inadvertent victim of religiousickerity

The Inadvertent Victim of Religious Rigidity

Religious rigidity, enforced through strict adherence to traditional beliefs and practices, can have unintended consequences for individuals who may not conform to certain societal norms or expectations. These inadvertent victims may suffer exclusion, discrimination, and even violence, simply because they do not fit into the preconceived notions of what it means to be a faithful follower of a particular religion.

  • Members of the LGBTQ+ community often face discrimination and persecution from religious groups that view homosexuality as a sin
  • Women in many societies are expected to adhere to strict dress codes and behavioral norms, enforced through religious teachings, that limit their freedoms and opportunities
  • People with disabilities are often viewed as being spiritually deficient or cursed, leading to societal isolation and marginalization

The harmful effects of religious rigidity on individuals is a complex and multifaceted issue, requiring ongoing dialogue, education, and a commitment to human rights and dignity for all. By opening ourselves up to alternative perspectives and challenging the status quo, we can help create a more inclusive and compassionate society that values diversity and encourages individuals to embrace their authentic selves, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.

* the official humiliation of Israel

The Official Humiliation of Israel

Israel has been harshly criticized over the years for its treatment of Palestinians and for its conflicts with neighboring countries. Despite international pressure to accept a two-state solution and to demonstrate more respect for international law and human rights, Israel has largely refused to make significant concessions. In recent years, the United Nations has taken several steps to hold Israel accountable for its actions, including passing resolutions condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

One of the most striking examples of the official humiliation of Israel came in 2016, when the United States abstained from a vote in the UN Security Council on a resolution condemning Israeli settlements. This was seen as a major rebuke of the Israeli government and a signal that the international community was losing patience with Israel’s intransigence. While Israel dismissed the resolution as biased and unhelpful, it was clear that the country was facing a growing chorus of condemnation and that its policies were becoming increasingly isolated.

  • Israel has been criticized for its treatment of Palestinians.
  • International pressure has been placed on Israel to accept a two-state solution and to respect international law and human rights.
  • The United Nations has passed resolutions condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
  • In 2016, the United States abstained from a vote on a resolution condemning Israeli settlements, which was seen as a major rebuke of the Israeli government.
  • The resolution signaled that the international community was losing patience with Israel’s intransigence.

* the Patriarch’s less than radiologic understanding

The Patriarch’s Less Than Radiologic Understanding

The Patriarch’s limited understanding of radiology and its relevance in modern medicine has left many medical professionals and scientists concerned. While the field of radiology has advanced tremendously in recent years, the Patriarch’s lack of understanding of its potential has hindered the progress of healthcare in the country.

Despite multiple attempts by the medical community to educate the Patriarch on the significance of radiology, he continues to underestimate its importance in diagnosing and treating medical conditions. This has led to a delay in the implementation of radiology-related technologies and practices, resulting in an increased burden on patients and healthcare providers.

  • Impact on diagnosis: The Patriarch’s lack of understanding has resulted in the underutilization of radiology in diagnosing medical conditions. This, in turn, leads to a delay in treatment, which can be detrimental to the patient’s health.
  • Effect on research: The lack of support for radiology research has halted its growth and has inhibited advancements in the field.
  • Increased healthcare costs: The underutilization of radiology has resulted in unnecessary expenses for patients, healthcare providers, and the healthcare system as a whole.

* the spread of Volks- Waves through Institutional Christianity

The Volks-Wave movement began in Germany in the early 20th century as a response to the intellectual and cultural changes brought about by modernity. Its principles were rooted in a spiritual search for authentic Christianity outside of the confines of institutional religion. As the movement gained popularity, it began to spread beyond Germany and into other parts of Europe and eventually the United States, where it was embraced by a variety of Christian denominations.

The spread of the Volks-Wave movement within institutional Christianity represents a significant development in the history of the faith. Its emphasis on personal faith and the direct experience of God resonated with many Christians who saw their faith being challenged by the modern world. Today, the legacy of the Volks-Wave movement can still be seen in the many forms of Christianity that prioritize a personal relationship with God over adherence to strict dogma or institutional authority.

  • In the United States, the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements are both heavily influenced by Volks-Wave principles.
  • Similarly, in Europe, the rise of non-denominational churches can be traced, at least in part, to the influence of Volks-Wave thinking.

Overall, the spread of Volks-Wave principles throughout institutional Christianity has been both a source of positive change and a cause for concern. While it has helped revitalize faith for many Christians, it has also led to increased fragmentation within the faith as different denominations and groups adopt different interpretations of what it means to have a personal relationship with God.

* the perverted advantages of Jesuit influence

The Perverted Advantages of Jesuit Influence

When it comes to Jesuit influence, one thing is certain – they’ve had their fair share of ups and downs throughout history. And while there are plenty of reasons to criticize the order, there are also a few “secret” advantages that come with their influence.

  • Education: Jesuits are known for their rigorous education system which emphasizes critical thinking and questioning. This has led to some of the most knowledgeable and well-rounded individuals today.
  • Global Reach: With Jesuit institutions located around the world, including some in developing countries, there is a significant amount of cultural exchange and growth happening worldwide.
  • Innovation: Jesuit institutions have a history of being at the forefront of innovation. For example, Georgetown University has a proud tradition of being the first Catholic university in America to admit female students.

The above benefits are just a few of the many ways that Jesuits have had a positive impact on society. However, these advantages don’t mean that the drawbacks of Jesuit influence should be ignored or dismissed. As with any institution, there are certainly areas where the Jesuits have fallen short, such as in instances of abuse or carrying out missionary work that’s been detrimental to indigenous communities.

Ultimately, the impact of Jesuit influence is complex, and it’s important to look at both the good and the bad when examining their role in society. While it’s easy to point fingers and assign blame, a more productive approach would be to recognize the positive contributions made by Jesuits while also holding them accountable for their shortcomings.



In 2009, the world was still reeling from the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis. Despite this, there were some notable moments of triumph and progress. Here are a few:

  • Barack Obama inaugurated as President of the United States – Obama became the first African-American to hold the highest office in the country.
  • The H1N1 influenza pandemic – A new strain of flu caused a worldwide pandemic, with over 18,000 deaths reported.
  • Michael Jackson’s death – The “King of Pop” died unexpectedly, sparking worldwide mourning and tributes.
  • Amazon introduces the Kindle – The first-generation Kindle was released, revolutionizing the way people read books.

Overall, 2009 was a year of both challenges and breakthroughs. As the world continued to grapple with the aftermath of the financial crisis, people still found reasons to celebrate and innovate. It was a reminder of the resilience and determination of humanity in the face of adversity.

*Church: Israel limited rights of ‘ Holy Fire’ worshippers

According to recent news, the Church has declared that only a limited number of worshippers will be allowed to partake in the Holy Fire ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Those who wish to witness and participate in this charismatic spectacle are required to get an invitation from one of the recognized Christian communities in Jerusalem. The move has sparked a lot of controversies and criticism from both the faithful and the secular communities alike.

It is worth noting that the Holy Fire ceremony is one of the most important and revered religious practices observed by Orthodox Christians in Jerusalem. The ceremony involves the miraculous lighting of the candles, which is believed to be a divine intervention by the Holy Spirit. The spectators and worshippers present at the event also consider it to be a deeply spiritual and emotional experience. However, with the new limited access to the ceremony, many are left disappointed, and there are fears that this move might lead to more sectarianism and tensions in the already volatile region.

  • Pros:
    • The new measure would decrease the number of worshippers and would help to maintain social distancing during the ceremony.
    • The Church has assured that the new restriction would not affect the religious significance or the quality of the ceremony itself.
  • Cons:
    • The new policy is considered discriminatory and against the principles of religious freedom.
    • Many people who have been practicing their faith by participating in the ceremony are now unable to do so, which is causing disappointment and frustration.

* How the �GC has managed�

How the GC has managed

The GC, short for General Contractor, has been instrumental in ensuring that building projects are executed successfully. They act as the central entity that oversees everything, from budgeting to project scheduling, to coordinating with different vendors, and so on. Here’s how the GC has managed several key aspects of building projects:

  • Budgeting: The GC is responsible for creating and maintaining a project budget. This includes identifying all the tasks required to complete the project, determining costs and procuring supplies and services as needed. It’s important to ensure that the project stays within budget, and the GC is efficient in identifying, addressing, and solving financial issues that may arise during the course of the project.
  • Scheduling: A good GC will develop and maintain a project schedule that outlines every task required to complete the project. They need to be efficient in identifying and solving any scheduling conflicts that may arise, and they must ensure every party is meeting their deadlines. To manage scheduling efficiently, the GC must also ensure good communication with all stakeholders in the project.

* How the �GC has received�

How the “GC” has received

Since its inception in 2018, the General Conference (GC) has been lauded as a step forward in promoting global unity and advancing the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Throughout this period, the GC has had its ups and downs, and to this day, understanding and support from the adventist community are mixed.

Some members of the Church see the GC as a necessary body that brings together the various administrative units of the Church and enables global consensus. Others view it as a harmful bureaucracy that has systematically centralized power and stifled dissent. Issues such as women’s ordination, LGBT rights, and Church governance have further polarized the adventist community on the role of the GC.

In recent years, the GC’s reception has been further complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a sudden shift towards online worship and meetings. While some members appreciate the GC’s efforts to provide guidance and resources in the face of the pandemic, others criticize the organization for downplaying the severity of the pandemic and promoting measures that disregard individual autonomy and personal freedom.

Overall, the reception of the GC remains a complex and divisive issue within the adventist community. Despite the diversity of opinions, it is essential for the Church to continue to work towards unity and not be disheartened by the challenges that lie ahead.

* The C.K.B.�s and the �Green- adult�

The C.K.B.’s and the “Green-adult”

The C.K.B.’s or “Crazy Kids Brigade” are a group of young environmental activists who are passionate about creating a sustainable future. These kids have been leading the charge in their communities when it comes to reducing waste, promoting recycling and composting, and supporting eco-friendly businesses.

Some adults might dismiss the C.K.B.’s as being too idealistic or too young to have a real impact on environmental issues, but the truth is that their enthusiasm and dedication is making a real difference. The C.K.B.’s are inspiring other young people to get involved in the sustainability movement and are challenging adults to rethink their own habits and beliefs.

  • Some of the C.K.B.’s most notable achievements include:
    • Organizing a community-wide recycling program
    • Convincing local stores to start carrying reusable grocery bags
    • Campaigning for bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly streets

If you’re an adult who cares about the environment, you might consider calling yourself a “green-adult” and joining forces with the C.K.B.’s. There is no age limit when it comes to advocating for a better planet, and your knowledge and experience could be invaluable to these young activists. Together, we can create a sustainable future for generations to come.


In 1979, several significant events and developments happened around the world, shaping history and leaving a lasting impact. Here are some of the important events that took place in :

  • Iranian Revolution: In February, the Iranian Revolution resulted in the overthrow of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • China-Vietnam War: In February, China and Vietnam went to war, which lasted for about a month, resulting in Chinese withdrawal and the establishment of socialist Vietnam.
  • Miracle on Ice: In February, the US ice hockey team defeated the Soviet team at the Winter Olympics, which was a monumental upset and a symbol of the Cold War.
  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan: In December, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, resulting in a decade-long war and the formation of Mujahideen rebels.

These and other events of 1979 had far-reaching consequences, shaping the political, social, and cultural landscape of the world. They continue to be studied, debated, and analyzed today, as we try to make sense of the past and understand its impact on the present.

* the inadvertent victim of religiousickerity

The Inadvertent Victim of Religious Rigidity

Religion has been a part of human life for as long as humanity can remember. It has helped countless people find solace, comfort, and meaning in their lives. Throughout history, however, there have been those who have twisted and perverted religious beliefs to fit their own agendas. They have used religion as a tool to divide people and gain power, often at the expense of those who believe in the very faith they claim to uphold. These people have become the inadvertent victims of religious rigidity.

At its core, religion should be a force for good in the world. It should bring people together, inspire acts of kindness and compassion, and encourage us to be better versions of ourselves. Unfortunately, when religious leaders become more interested in enforcing strict adherence to dogma than they are in fostering an atmosphere of love and acceptance, it can lead to profound harm. The victims of religious rigidity come from all walks of life, but they share one thing in common: they have suffered at the hands of those who claim to represent their faith. Whether it’s LGBTQ individuals who are condemned for daring to love someone of the same gender, women who are denied basic rights because of their sex, or followers of minority sects who are shunned by the dominant religious group, the damage of religious rigidity is profound and far-reaching.

* the official humiliation of Israel

Israel has been humiliated on the international stage numerous times throughout history, and it seems to be an ongoing trend. From political defeats to cultural misunderstandings, Israel has seen it all. One of the most infamous humiliations of Israel occurred in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War. Despite having advanced weaponry and a well-trained military, Israel was caught off guard by the surprise attack from Egypt and Syria. This led to significant territorial losses and casualties for Israel, ultimately leading to a ceasefire agreement with Egypt.

In addition to military defeats, Israel has also faced humiliation in the form of cultural boycotts and protests. The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which originated in Palestine in 2005, has gained significant momentum in its efforts to isolate Israel economically, culturally and academically. Despite criticism from some quarters, the BDS movement has helped raise global awareness about the plight of Palestinians and their struggle for freedom and justice. Ultimately, the official humiliation of Israel serves as a reminder that no nation or people can claim moral superiority. It is crucial to approach such complex geopolitical issues with nuance and sensitivity, while also holding violators accountable for their actions.

* the spread of Volks- Waves through Institutional Christianity

The Spread of Volks-Waves Through Institutional Christianity

Volks-Waves refers to the religious phenomenon in which new spiritual movements rise from the grassroots level amongst laypersons, and not from the top-down from traditional religious institutions. The term originally comes from the German word “Volkskirche,” meaning a church of the people. Volks-Waves have become increasingly popular in modern institutional Christianity, as more people seek a personal relationship with God rather than being bound by strict traditional religious doctrines.

  • Volks-Waves have taken root in various Christian denominations and movements, including:
  • Charismatic Christianity: Volks-Waves in the Charismatic movement include the rise of Pentecostalism and the associated emotional expressions of faith
  • Emerging Church: This movement seeks to create an inclusive faith community that is not constrained by traditional church structures or dogma.
  • Missional Church: This movement emphasizes a practical application of faith in the world, focusing on social justice and community outreach.

Volks-Waves have also led to a greater diversity and plurality within Christianity, with individuals holding different beliefs coexisting and interacting within the same religious institution. This inclusivity has helped to promote the idea of a personal relationship with God, as well as the value of individual spiritual experience. However, it has also challenged traditional religious authority and created tension within denominations as members hold differing beliefs and practices.

* the perverted advantages of Jesuit influence

The Perverted Advantages of Jesuit Influence

One of the most commonly repeated allegations against the Jesuits is that they have a sinister influence on the Catholic Church, with some even making claims that they are part of a secret, global conspiracy. While these allegations are almost entirely baseless, it is true that the Jesuits have had a significant impact on the Church over the centuries.

  • One perverted advantage of Jesuit influence is their ability to adapt to cultural changes. Jesuit missionaries have always been skilled at learning local languages and customs, which has helped them to spread Catholicism to communities across the world, from Japan to Africa. However, this flexibility has also meant that some Jesuits have been accused of compromising Church teachings in order to appeal to secular society.
  • Another perverted advantage is their focus on education. From the early days of the Society, Jesuits have placed a high value on education, establishing some of the finest universities and schools in the world. This has enabled them to wield significant influence, particularly in academic circles. However, it has also meant that the Jesuits have sometimes been accused of promoting heterodox teachings and undermining Church doctrine.

While some may view these perverted advantages as signs of Jesuit corruption, others argue that they are simply part of the Society’s tradition of adaptability and innovation. One thing is certain: the Jesuits remain a powerful force within the Catholic Church, and their influence is likely to be felt for generations to come.

* 2009


In 2009, the world was plunged into a deep recession following the financial crisis of 2008. Governments and central banks around the world implemented a variety of measures to stabilize their economies, including stimulus packages and interest rate cuts.

On the political front, Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States, becoming the first African American to hold the position. Meanwhile, the H1N1 influenza virus, or swine flu, emerged as a global pandemic, infecting millions of people worldwide.

  • Major Events:
  • Barack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States
  • H1N1 influenza virus causes a global pandemic
  • EgyptAir Flight 990 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean, killing all 217 people on board
  • Michael Jackson dies at age 50, sending shockwaves through the music industry

Despite the challenges presented by the recession, 2009 saw some notable achievements in science and technology. In March, the Kepler telescope was launched to search for habitable planets outside our solar system. Later in the year, Twitter gained widespread popularity as a social media platform, revolutionizing the way people communicate and share information online.

As the year came to a close, people around the world looked towards the future with a sense of hope and uncertainty, wondering what the next decade would bring.

*Church: Israel limited rights of ‘ Holy Fire’ worshippers

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem has accused the Israeli government of implementing policies that restrict the rights of Christian worshippers who come to attend the annual Holy Fire ceremony. According to the church administration, the Israeli authorities have reduced the number of permissions granted to worshippers who want to attend the ceremony, causing significant problems for Christian pilgrims who travel to the Holy Land for Easter.

  • The Holy Fire is a sacred event that takes place every year on Holy Saturday in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
  • The ceremony commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ and involves the lighting of candles from the Holy Fire that is said to miraculously appear from the tomb of Christ.
  • The Church claims that, in recent years, the Israeli authorities have decreased the number of permits issued to worshippers who want to attend the ceremony or have limited access to certain areas in and around the church.
  • This has caused significant distress for Christian pilgrims who want to participate in the ceremony, as they are often denied entry or have to wait in long lines for hours.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre has called on the Israeli government to review its policies and grant full access to Christian worshippers during Easter week. The church administration has also requested that the Israeli police and security forces ensure the safety and security of worshippers during the ceremony, which draws large crowds of pilgrims from around the world.

  • Many international human rights groups have also criticised Israel’s policies towards Christian worshippers in the Holy Land.
  • They have accused the Israeli government of restricting the freedom of worship of Christians and other religious minorities in the country.
  • The issue of religious rights has long been a contentious one in the Middle East, with many communities facing persecution and discrimination.

* How the GC has managed

How the GC Has Managed

The GC has managed to achieve tremendous success due to its efforts in several key areas. Firstly, the GC’s leadership has been consistent in providing strategic direction that has shaped the course of the company’s growth. They have focused on identifying and implementing measures to improve operational efficiency, minimize costs, and achieve better economies of scale.

  • Implementing strict quality assurance processes to ensure that products meet customer expectations
  • Investing in employee training and development programs to equip staff with the skills necessary to achieve the company’s objectives
  • Developing a dynamic organizational culture that rewards performance and fosters teamwork
  • Continuous improvement of products and services to meet changing market needs and demands

The GC has also leveraged technology to optimize its operations and enhance its customer service offerings. It has developed a robust online presence that has enabled it to extend its reach across geographical boundaries, resulting in increased sales and profitability. Additionally, the GC has embraced sustainability as a core business philosophy, focusing on conservation of natural resources and reducing its carbon footprint. Overall, the GC has managed to establish a strong market position through its commitment to excellence and continuous improvement in all aspects of its operations.

* How the GC has received

How the GC has received

Since its release, the GC has received a great deal of attention and feedback from the gaming community. Here are some of the most notable ways in which it has been received:

  • Positive reviews: Many gamers and critics have praised the GC for its innovative gameplay, excellent graphics, and immersive storyline. Reviews have been overwhelmingly positive, with some calling it one of the best games of the year.
  • Criticism of difficulty: Some players have criticized the game for being too difficult, especially during boss battles. They argue that it can be frustrating to put in a lot of effort only to be defeated repeatedly by a challenging enemy.
  • Interest in future updates: Fans of the game are eagerly anticipating future updates and expansions, hoping to see more of the rich and detailed world that the GC has created.

Overall, the GC seems to have made a big impact on the gaming world, with many people eager to see what the future holds for this exciting and innovative game. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the world of gaming, the GC is definitely worth checking out for its engaging story, challenging gameplay, and stunning visuals.

* The C.K.B.s and the Green adults

The C.K.B.s and the Green adults

The C.K.B.s, or the Cool Kids Brigade, were the most popular group in school. They were known for their fashion sense, their witty comebacks, and their ability to make anyone feel like they belonged. But there was something else that set them apart from the rest of the student body: they were all environmentally conscious.

The C.K.B.s would often organize beach cleanups, tree plantings, and rallies to raise awareness about climate change. They made it cool to care about the environment. And their influence didn’t stop at the student level. The entire school started to adopt eco-friendly practices, from packing lunch in reusable containers to carpooling to school events. The C.K.B.s were trailblazers in more ways than one.

  • Highlight: The C.K.B.s were a popular group in school known for their fashion sense and witty comebacks.
  • Impact: They made it cool to care about the environment, encouraging the entire school to adopt eco-friendly practices.
  • Actions: The C.K.B.s organized beach cleanups, tree plantings, and rallies to raise awareness about climate change.

The C.K.B.s didn’t do it alone, though. They had the support of the Green adults, a group of parents and community members who were dedicated to the same cause. The Green adults were responsible for implementing environmentally conscious policies at the school, like switching to energy-efficient lightbulbs and installing water refill stations. They also provided funding for the C.K.B.s’ initiatives and served as mentors to the students.

Together, the C.K.B.s and the Green adults created a school community that was not only fashionable and witty, but also environmentally responsible. They showed that being cool and caring about the planet weren’t mutually exclusive, and that everyone had a role to play in protecting our home.

  • Highlight: The Green adults were a group of parents and community members who supported the C.K.B.s’ cause.
  • Impact: They implemented environmentally conscious policies and provided funding for the C.K.B.s’ initiatives.
  • Actions: The Green adults switched to energy-efficient lightbulbs and installed water refill stations among other initiatives.

* 1979-1981


During the late 1970s, the world was facing an energy crisis due to the skyrocketing oil prices. The United States was no exception, and President Jimmy Carter saw this as an opportunity to propose an alternative energy program. This program aimed to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and promote conservation and renewable energy sources. Carter’s plan included a tax on gasoline and a shift towards solar energy, wind power, and other renewable sources. Unfortunately, the implementation of this plan was met with resistance from the oil industry and Congress, thus hindering its success.

To accompany this change in energy policy, there was also a significant shift in the music industry. Punk rock was beginning to fade, and new wave and post-punk were taking over. Bands like Joy Division, The Clash, and The Police were leading the charge, and artists like David Bowie and Iggy Pop were experimenting with electronic music. The 1980s also saw the rise of MTV, which played a pivotal role in launching the careers of many artists. Music videos became a crucial marketing tool, and the biggest names in music were featured on the channel.

  • Key events:
  • Three Mile Island nuclear accident (1979)
  • Tehran hostage crisis begins (1979)
  • John Lennon is assassinated (1980)
  • MTV launches (1981)

The late 1970s and early 1980s were also significant for fashion. Disco fashion was on its way out, and new wave fashion took over. Men and women wore bright colors, skinny ties, and leather jackets. Punks were still around, but they were starting to move towards a more goth-inspired look. Women’s hair was big and bold, often crimped and styled with lots of hairspray. The iconic ’80s look was emerging, and it would go on to influence fashion for the rest of the decade.

Overall, 1979-1981 was a time of change and experimentation. The world was changing rapidly, and people were trying to adapt to new energy policies, music styles, and fashion trends. Despite some resistance, progress was being made, and the world was moving in a new direction.

* the creeping religious insanity of the Choferia

The Creeping Religious Insanity of the Choferia

For many people living in Bolivia, the daily commute can be a precarious affair, with overcrowded buses and drivers taking risks on the treacherous mountain roads. However, there is more to it than just the physical dangers of travel. Recently, there has been a growing concern about the creeping religious insanity of the Choferia, the bus drivers of Bolivia.

  • Some bus drivers have started installing crucifixes and other religious icons on their dashboards, and are known to pray fervently before making a journey.
  • Others have started playing religious music on their journeys, which can be unsettling for passengers who do not share their beliefs.
  • In some extreme cases, bus drivers have been known to stop the bus and lead impromptu prayer sessions in the middle of the journey, much to the dismay of their passengers.

There are concerns that this religious obsession may be impairing the judgment of these bus drivers, putting the lives of countless passengers at risk. The government has been slow to act, afraid of the backlash from the powerful bus drivers’ unions. While it is understandable that people should have the freedom to practice their religion, it should not come at the expense of public safety.

* the use of church membership cards by Israeli Jews

The Use of Church Membership Cards by Israeli Jews

It may come as a surprise to many, but some Israeli Jews have been known to use church membership cards even though they do not attend church. The reason behind this is largely cultural and historical. During the Ottoman Empire, the region that is now modern-day Israel was under their rule for over 400 years, which led to the development of a unique religious and social dynamic. Christians and Muslims under Ottoman control were given more rights and privileges than Jews, including the freedom to move around and trade without restrictions. Consequently, some Jews saw advantages in pretending to be Christian or Muslim for practical reasons, and the tradition of using church membership cards has persisted in some communities today.

For some Israeli Jews, acquiring a church membership card serves as a way of achieving certain benefits, such as access to Christian and Catholic schools, hospitals, and charities. In some cases, these individuals may have close relationships with Christian or Muslim communities and may adopt certain customs or practices out of appreciation or respect for their friends or neighbors. However, it’s worth noting that this practice can be controversial and even offensive to some religious groups, and should be approached with caution and sensitivity.

  • Benefits of using church membership cards by Israeli Jews include:
    • Access to schools and hospitals that are run by Christian or Catholic organizations
    • Ability to attend masses, ceremonies, and other religious events
    • Belonging to a community that may share similar values or beliefs

In conclusion, the use of church membership cards by Israeli Jews is a complex and sensitive issue that is rooted in the region’s complex historical and social context. While some may benefit from this practice, it is important to approach it with sensitivity and respect for different religious and cultural traditions. Overall, this is a fascinating example of how cultural and historical dynamics can create unique and unexpected phenomena, even within communities that may seem otherwise homogeneous.

* How the JCU arose

How the JCU arose

The JCU, or James Cook University, was established in 1970, in the Australian city of Townsville. It was named after the famous British explorer, Captain James Cook, who explored parts of Australia during his voyages in the late 18th century. The university has a rich history, with its roots going back to the early 20th century, when the first steps were taken to establish a tertiary education institution in North Queensland.

The idea of establishing a university in North Queensland was first put forward in the 1930s, but it was not until the late 1960s that the plans were finally realized. The establishment of JCU was a significant milestone in the development of tertiary education in Australia, as it helped to break the traditional dominance of the established universities in the south. Today, JCU is a vibrant and dynamic institution that is recognized as a leader in research and education in Australia and around the world.

  • JCU’s first campus: The main campus was built on land that was donated by the Queensland government, and construction began in 1969. The first classes were held in 1970.
  • The merger: In 1997, JCU merged with the University of North Queensland to become the second multi-campus university in Queensland.
  • The expansion: JCU now has campuses in Cairns, Singapore and Brisbane, and offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Church: Israel limiting rights of ‘Holy Fire’ worshippers

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